Hey there, friends!! I’m popping in today to update you all on life’s latest happenings in my little low-carb foodie world. I’ve been following a keto lifestyle since winter for the most part, but had a few slip-ups as of late & just overall, haven’t felt too dedicated to the lifestyle. I need a new goal. I think that I’ve a very goal-driven, goal-oriented person. I love the challenge of working towards a new goal, but I’ve failed to set one for myself lately.
I’ve decided to set myself a goal & to stay in ketosis (no carby cheats) for a minimum of 30 days & the entire month of July. Once I’m in a steady state of ketosis for an extended period the cravings for anything sugary are greatly reduced or eliminated. Plus, I definitely hope to see more progress in my physique & leaning out. Too many slip-ups & popping in & out of ketosis isn’t exactly conducive to progress. Goals are good.
Being in keto makes me feel good & I still feel there are SO many benefits, even if I don’t lose the bit of extra weight as easily as I’d hoped. As of June 30th, I rededicated myself to my goals & to maintaining ketosis. My internship orientation is coming up at the end of August/beginning of September & I want to look as good as I feel.
For inspiration/motivation, I’ve been checking out the Reddit keto forums (where I got the title for this post from). Also, check out this GREAT Ted Talk from Dr. Sarah Hallberg on Diabetes & keto – it’s a must watch even if you don’t suffer from Type II Diabetes!